Medicinal Media

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Somatic mindfulness exercise: body, mind, spirit

Edited by Robyn Hutson. Shot and produced by Rob VanAlkemade for Medicinal Media. Our nonprofit generates funding in multiple ways, including through affiliate linking. When you purchase something through an affiliate link on this site, the price will be the same for you as always, but we may receive a small percentage of the cost.

Join us for a somatic meditation at Angel’s Point in Elysian Park, where Cassie taps into her 6-year-old wisdom to be at one, at least for this moment, with her mind, body, and spirit on a peaceful, sunny day far above the city.

Cassie of Orange County loves putting herself into the scenes from a movie or a song, melting into the content in a way that motivates her to fully express herself. Cassie is in love with K-Pop music that takes over her body and spirit. Some of her favorite movies are Matilda and Home Alone, both of which she has nearly memorized.