TikTok, teens, and mental health

Produced and edited by Nahima Shaffer for Medicinal Media. Our nonprofit generates funding in multiple ways, including through affiliate linking. When you purchase something through an affiliate link on this site, the price will be the same for you as always, but we may receive a small percentage of the cost.


Can TikTok harm mental health? Can TikTok help mental health? The answer is: both. Teen mental health challenges remain on the rise, with suicide being the second-leading cause of death among people ages 10-14 and the third-leading cause of death among those ages 15-24 in the U.S. Meanwhile, 40 percent or more of Gen Z are using TikTok as their primary search engine. Psychotherapist Nadia Addesi says, "80-90 percent of my clients came from TikTok." 

This short video touches on the bountiful resources that many teens are finding and embracing on TikTok, despite its algorithmic pitfalls. Some of the positive uses of the platform include the ability to bond with peers, explore health-related resources, and discover the tools and confidence needed to initiate and/or continue individual therapy.


A closer look at self-diagnosis


Finding solidarity in music