Medicinal Media

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Somatic mindfulness exercise: dancing body scan

Made for Medicinal Media by Rob VanAlkemade. Edited by Robyn Hutson. Music by House of Waters . Music supervisor Brian Keigher. Our nonprofit generates funding in multiple ways, including through affiliate linking. When you purchase something through an affiliate link on this site, the price will be the same for you as always, but we may receive a small percentage of the cost.

When was the last time you took a moment to let your body move however it wants to move? And to notice your breath when your body stops moving? Our somatic exercise series brings us to a grassy hill by the pier today for a dancing body scan. 

Rhett, age 10, loves to play soccer, read Percy Jackson, meditate, and of course dance — most often to The Cure. Rhett doesn’t mind dancing with us, but prefers to dance for himself, when no one’s watching.

First, let your body move however it wants to move.

When you’re ready, be still. 

Notice your breath when your body stops. 

Imagine something floating around your head that brings you joy. 

Rain drops. A hummingbird. A light. 

Let it slowly drop down to your forehead.

Now it’s traveling into your body.

Notice how it connects with you.

Tell it “Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.”

With the same focus, rise up again through the body and up and out through the forehead.

Now, open your eyes. 

Look around like you just woke up. 

Notice it all. 

Now, rest.

Or if you’re feeling it, keep dancing.